What are the new EPC regulations for landlords in 2022?
The government have proposed that all rental properties will need an EPC rating of 'C' or above by 2025. Initially this will be for new tenancies, followed by all tenancies from 2028.
Because of this new regulation, it will be against the law to rent a property that scores below C on an EPC from 2025. Penalties for not having a valid EPC will also be raised from £5000 to £30000 from 2025.
Will these new rules apply to you?
These new rules apply to you if you own domestic private sector properties in England and Wales. This includes properties let under an assured tenancy or a shorthold, a tenancy which is a regulated tenancy for the purposes of the Rent Acts and properties let on a tenancy which is an assured agricultural occupancy, also on
properties on a protected tenancy under the Rent Act 1976 and finally properties on a statutory tenancy under that Act.
Improvements will be required to make sure your property is compliant with the new rules. Improvements range from installation, water efficiency to heating and many more.
How to get an EPC
EPC’s are easy to get hold of from your Mortgage Broker, they’ll also be able to talk you though the process that’s unique to your property. Your EPC will inform you of the rating of your property and also what improvements to make, to increase the rating. And the certificate will last for 10 years, so once you have it and you know your property is energy efficient, you won’t need to worry. Make sure you're compliant now, in time for 2025.
An EPC lasts for up to 10 years.
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